Vijesh P.P (Biju Bavode) born in the village named Bavode, Peralasseri Kannur district in kerala, as the son of K. Bhaskaran and Leela P.P. I have shown interest in writing, drawing and sculpturing during my early childhood. At the time of schooling, learnt the art of drawing and sculpturing from a famous Sculpturer and artist Purushothaman Master and started writing many short stories and poems. Then successfully completed diploma in fine Arts and M.A in Advertising & Public Relations and P.G Diploma In Animation Technology from Pune.
After completing my general education, I tried to explore the world of information technology and computer. I used to attend one institute which laid an emphasis on information technology and computer. There I found my real friends and started to build up my personality. I started to develop my passion for computer field.It was then when I began to visualize my life in the field of Multimedia and & Animation. I started my professional career as a commercial artist and I confronted, new society with a new life and new mentality. I faced new difficulties and challenges. But I found new hopes and explored an unimaginable development of my inner personality. I realized that I have become a person with own personal history, a person who has a past which is completely different from its present - and apparently - future life.
After the animation course, has worked for many famous animation companies in Pune, Mumbai, Banglore & Kerala in different designations. During this periods has written by scripts for not less than 17 animation movies for children also written 67 songs and directed 22 animation films.Media supports,few awards and certificates appreciating my work etc,. Has always given me positive energy and strong willpower for heading forward cheerfully.
B-tween Animations with Me
B-tween animations, a firm established in January 2010, is on the rise in the field of 2D, 3D animation, media graphic designing and attained a unique place in the animation world. The main reason for that is the successful completion of the animation movies based on the world famous writer Shri. Vaikom Muhammed Basheeer and also many other animation movies like that.
B-tween animation has given me the encouragement and guidance I needed and utilized my talents in to the versatile fields of animation and media technolagy, where I joined as a project director in the first place. Here, I feel proceed of thinking of all the other Companies which I lake been a part of, which guided me to Btween animations.
My Dream
Animation is an art which is giving color and life to dreams.
I would like to be a part of new ideas and novel concepts. An animation feature film (theater movie) is always a part of my dream . I always wish to be a role model to the new generation of upcoming animation artists. As an animation artists, I am Always ready to give my 100% commitment to whichever company I work for ,which I believe always help my talents to reach greater heights.